Contribution to
The Essential Liminality Library: Liminality and … Series
Your submission to an editor should include your curriculum vitae/resumé and a book proposal (typically 4-6 pages for books in this series in Word or PDF format) that addresses the following about your publication:

your name and contact information
proposed book title: The Essential Liminality Library: Liminality and ______________
synopsis: purpose, approach, aims, scope, main arguments, methodology, and impact on your field
relation to existing literature in the subject area, distinguishing what makes your work unique
overview of the intended audience, explaining their need for your book
outline: chapter list/table of contents with main subheadings and short description
projected final word count to be in the 30,000-word range (excluding footnotes/endnotes and bibliography)
planned illustrations, figures, tables, appendices, or online-only material (black and white only)
proposed timetable, including anticipated completion date, work already completed, other critical dates, and any plans for updating work after publication; typically, upon acceptance of the submission, completion of the book should be within one year.
The Approval Process
A Liminality Press editor will receive proposals and make initial recommendations to the Press review panel. If the proposal has merit for the Press, the review panel will consider the proposal and contact the author to convey acceptance, rejection, or in some cases, invite re-submission with significant revision. This initial assessment can sometimes take several weeks. If the editor believes the proposed book is a good fit for the Press’s purpose, she or he may ask the author to provide more information or revise the proposal. Upon approval, the author will be contacted to discuss guidelines for next steps and timelines by a designated editor.