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Then get started below!
Here is our process for
publishing your book!
Initial Conversation
Before any other steps are taken, have a conversation with one of the editors (Lisa or Tim) about your publication idea, audience, process for writing, and timeline. We help you hone the work and support you along the way.

Initial Editing
Set up with your designated editor what would be most helpful to you - editing by chapter or the entire manuscript. Negotiate a timeline for work and your editor will spend time with you to perfect your manuscript.

Copy Editing
Copy editing gets into details and final revisions of content - accurate punctuation, position of headings, consistent font, paragraphs, sizing, and flow of writing. Your editor will continue to work with you at this stage; you will have a chance to check the final version before publication.

Your editor will take it from here, formatting your work into a publishable template.

Book Cover Design
Your editor will subcontract with a designer to create a unique book cover for your work. If you have suggestions about look and design, let your editor know.

The Liminality Press subcontracts with a printing house to produce your book just as it has been laid out. "Print-on-demand" is our approach - books are printed as they are ordered.

What Our Clients Say